Nov 07, 2013 | jschmidt | 1164 views
Austin Holley Tournament
Novice Reps play in the Austin Holley Tournament
The team had to travel far to the Austin Holley fall shootout held in Wiarton this pass weekend . The team did it all on the weekend with a Win Tie and a Loss . The loss came against the eventual champs , The Stayner Cyclones . The Boys and Girl had a terrific game against rival Shallow Lake Lakers to open the tournament . The back and forth game was a very exciting game to be a part of for everyone . The Preds opened the scoring quick, scoring two quick goal by the line of Kohan Ronnenburg Wyatt Fassl and Jaxon Gawel . The Lakers would come back and tie it up. After exchanging a couple more goals, the Team in white was ahead in the dying seconds . Shallow Lake crowded the net and scored with 12 seconds left silencing the home crowd. A great game played by all . The team would bounce back big on Sunday against the Arran-Elderslie Ice Dogs . With a big 10-0 win where every one played great. Helping in Brent Kerrs first career shutout. Jaxon Gawel had 5 goal Jonah Marshall with two nice goals. Kohan, Wyatt and Blake helped out with the scoring. Other notable shout outs go to Jaxon Gawel for winning the shoot out and speed competition . With Brent Kerr finishing near the top of the goalie category.
BY: Cam Glover